The Pros and Cons of Tiny Home Living

Living in a tiny home is a great way to cut down on expenses and also enjoy more time outdoors. Going tiny is an exciting adventure that can help you cut out the clutter in your life. But, confining yourself to a small space every day presents a few challenges. Before ditching your big house, consider the pros and cons of tiny home living.

Pros of Tiny Home Living:

Lower Expenses

When you downsize the overall area of your home, your expenses will also dwindle. You’ll notice a significant change in your electric bill. Your energy costs will decrease even more if you take advantage of solar lighting options available on some models. You’ll use less power to run your heat and air conditioning thanks to energy efficient models. Many tiny homes for traveling, so they’ll also run on batteries.

Easier Mobility

A tiny home is mobile, but don’t confuse them with mobile homes. First, they offer more luxury and comfort. You can use a half to a one-ton pickup truck to move smaller tiny homes (depending on size and weight.) Travel trailers are perfect for people who want to move around the state or country and explore nature. Think of them as permanent vacation homes. (Consider the fortune you’ll save on hotels.)

Larger park model homes are also mobile, but keep in mind the average one is 399 square feet. Since it’s an oversized load, you’ll need a special permit and a semi-truck to transport. These kind of homes are usually only moved once or twice throughout their lifetime. Park models are perfect for those who have already found the ideal spot to settle down. They also offer a little more room.


Owning a tiny home helps you reduce your footprint. Small houses require less energy to build and maintain. Tiny-homeowners tend to care about the environment. So they choose houses constructed out of eco-friendly and sustainable products. Some tiny homeowners have built their home using upcycled materials that would have otherwise gone to the landfill.

Less To Clean

Tiny home life appeals to those homeowners who want to do less cleaning and more living. Imagine only having 400 square feet to clean instead of 2300 square feet, which is the average size of most American homes. Tiny homes require homeowners to be organized and think strategically about the number of items brought into the house. Many tiny home plans offer hidden storage that helps keep the home tidy as well.

Easier Outdoor Access

Tiny homeowners are usually those who love the outdoors or want to incorporate the outdoors more into their everyday life. These homes offer great access to the outdoors since they can be moved to locations that would be unavailable for traditional homes. Communing with nature is a common theme many homeowners want to experience, and it compliments the idea of having a smaller dwelling.

Cons of Tiny Home Living:


The main issue that many homeowners have when thinking about going tiny is trying to figure out what to get rid of. Americans are used to having the space to collect items. Limiting your square footage requires you to consider what’s important and what you live without. Many tiny homes won’t have room for that recliner or king size bed. This can be rough on homeowners who are used to having more than enough space for everything.

Zoning Challenges

You could face some zoning challenges when trying to move your tiny home to some counties or cities. It’s essential you research the regulations of a city or county before buying a tiny house or moving one. Tiny home communities are starting to pop up more than ever, but where to put your tiny home is still the number one issue of those interested in downsizing. Campgrounds are a great solution to park your tiny home if you’re looking to travel more.

Less Privacy

Cutting down on square footage means you are going to be living in close quarters with other family members. This may be a non-issue for those solo homeowners or couples. But thinking about privacy is important when considering moving a small family into a tiny home. There will be less space indoors which means that you will be able to hear others within the home. Tiny homes do provide for easy access to the outdoors, so sending the kids outside to play or using your outdoor living space for most of the day will help.

Choosing to live in a tiny home is a big decision. There are many aspects to consider when contemplating going tiny. Do your research and think about the pros and cons of tiny home living before purchasing your next home.


David Wheeler is a landscape design writer and nature enthusiast. He is an avid traveler and loves to spend his time hiking and strolling through magnificent gardens, learning about rare and native flowers across the world.