3 Tips to Prepare for Tiny Home Living

Building a tiny home takes some pretty big thinking. You’ll love your home even more when you’re prepared for the transition. Here are three ways you can start getting ready for tiny home living.

1. Spend Time in a Tiny Home

The best way to learn what tiny home living looks and functions like on a daily basis is to try it for yourself. Spend some time in a tiny home rental and see how it feels. Make sure the minimal lifestyle will be a good fit for you.

2. Start Decluttering

How do you let go of things that you’ve been holding onto for years?

Start with the easy stuff — the things you don’t use or need anymore. These might be clothes that no longer fit, old books, and unused kitchen gadgets.

Donate items in good condition. This is a great way to declutter while also helping others in need. Or, have a yard sale and put that money toward your tiny home.

We like the Box Method. For every item that you’re on the fence about getting rid of, put it in a box. Come back to the box in a few weeks with a fresh set of eyes. You might have found you can get by without that item.

3. Get Intentional About Space Design

When you sit down to design your tiny home, think about how you want to use the space. What do you need to have in your home in order to feel comfortable and happy? Do you want a lot of built-in storage, or would you prefer more open space? What kind of furniture will work best in the space?

Make a list of your must-haves, and then start sketching out a floor plan. Or better yet, share your idea list with the Utopian Villas team so we can design an intentional space for you!

Transition to Tiny Home Living with Utopian Villas

Utopian Villas makes the process of building a tiny home as easy and hands-free for you as possible. Explore our models and see the potential for minimalist living!